This literature has been compiled from many materials of studies of Botanical Sciences, Jiwaji Gwalior University (M.P.) India; Books of Vietnamese herbs and medicines written by Professor Dr. Đỗ Tất Lợi and other studies and researches.
Wild bitter melon or Wild bitter gourd has the scientific term of Momordica Charantia Linn; tastes bitter, is medically ‘cool’ and toxin-free.
Wild bitter melon is herbal medical vines growing in tropical and sub-tropical areas, belonging to Cucurbitaceae variety.
According to the study and research literatures of many countries, Wild bitter melon has been used as Asian traditional medicine for different diseases so far. The main components analyzed from wild bitter melon are groups of triterpene, protein, steroid, alkaloid, inorganic matters, lipid, and the phenolic compounds. These components have biological actives and medicinal characteristics to fight against diabetes, tumors and cancer, bacteria, viruses, parasitical worms, yellow fever, fibroma and poly-immunized diseases.
All these herbal features make it the really natural wonder.